4 Tips for Riding in the Wintertime

 Whether you’re an experienced rider or not, riding in the cold weather can be hazardous. Not only is there planning involved, but also, it’s crucial to have an awareness of the road especially if it’s icy or snowing. Having a high-quality motorcycle isn’t the worst idea either. Check out your local motorcycle dealer’s inventory near mid-Missouri.


Surdyke Yamaha has a few tips for you for riding your motorcycle in the wintertime to remain safe.


Know the Risks


First and foremost, your skill level is important. It’s good to make sure you have experience and thorough training before getting out on the icy roads. However, when your skillset isn’t very experienced, this can pose risks. That’s why the right equipment is also more than beneficial to minimize injury.


In general, you need to understand the risks with speed, visibility, following distance, and road conditions any time you go out on the road.


Get the Best Motorcycle for Winter


Different motorcycles have different purposes and different strengths. If your motorcycle is your main means of getting around, it’s worth checking out your local Yamaha motorcycle dealer near central Missouri for bikes built for winter. There are numerous factors to consider, such as, robust electrical, good lighting, and traction control. Your local experts can help you find the best fit.


Use Winter Motorcycle Gear


If you love your bike and you don’t want to replace it, there are some upgrades you can make to it. First of all, you can switch out the tires to snow tires. The only bad news is that it can be difficult to find the right size or fit for your motorcycle since they’re scarce throughout the world.


Windshields are a super helpful tool that you can get for your motorcycle. It aids in keeping the weather or wind off your face when temperatures get low, which also helps with visibility.


Hopefully this is more obvious, but helmets, gloves, and jackets are always a good idea. These will save you from freezing during your rides.


Avoid the Snow if You Can


Overall, it’s not safe to drive in the snow while riding a motorcycle. There are exceptions, such as, little snow on the ground or snow that melts quickly. However, when it gets icy and you lean to turn or accelerate, your bike can slide easily. Catch a ride with a friend, get a bus or stay home if you can! We would rather you be safe than sorry.


Our whole goal at Surdyke Yamaha is to see you enjoy your ride in the safest way possible. If we can do anything to help you achieve this, let us know! Stay safe and warm riding this winter.


         Highway Store Location       
        5863 Osage Beach Parkway         
            Osage Beach, MO 65065              

Marina Store Location 
1660 Yamaha Drive
Osage Beach, MO 65065 
Surdyke's Port 20
5395 Spruce Lane
Osage Beach, MO 65065


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