Join US for the 2019 Boat & PWC Ride For Freedom!

Come Join the Gang at Surdyke Yamaha as we honor the memory of 9/11 and thank our Lake Area 1st Responders and Military with a 150-mile boat and PWC Ride to Truman Dam and Back! This event is a FREE community event and we hope that you can join us in remembering 9/11 and our Lake Area 1st Responders! The Boat & PWC Ride for Freedom will take place on Sunday, September 8th on the Lake of the Ozarks! Read on to get all the details! 

 Ride Details 

There will be a 9:00 am departure from Surdyke's Port 20 to head to Truman Dam! Continental Breakfast is provided at Surdyke's Port 20 and Dinner is free too upon our return (About 5pm)! Multiple stops along the way to purchase food and fuel. And a free poker run with great prizes! 

Lake Area 1st Responders

If you are a Lake Area 1st Responder (Fire, Police, EMT, National Guard, Etc) Surdyke Yamaha would like to provide you with a Free Yamaha Personal Watercraft for the day! Surdyke Yamaha in Osage Beach wants as many first responders and military as possible. Please sign up early to help us provide boats and PWCs. Early registration gets you a better ride. Last-minute dude might be in a tube being pulled by a canoe. You will be responsible for your own fuel fill-ups and any damage of course. The PWCs seat up to 3 people (2 comfortably) so feel free to bring a friend or significant other!


The Ride is free, but we are suggesting a $100 donation for those that can afford it. 100% of the donations go to related charities. The Concerns of Police Survivors (C.O.P.S.), the Cadet Thomas Surdyke Memorial Foundation, Supporting Heroes, and The Mission Continues charities. Please click the link below to donate.

Donations will be split equally between 4 Charities:

1. Concerns of Police Survivors (C.O.P.S.) Charity. 

 Since 1984, C.O.P.S. has provided healing, love and life renewed for America's surviving law enforcement families. In 2016, Hands-On Programs hosted 1,056 survivors at our camps and retreats for spouses, children, parents, siblings, fiancés/significant others, extended family and co-workers of officers who have lost their lives in the line-of-duty. Survivors who participate in these programs talk about the unique, strong bonds they make with other survivors. Planning is well underway for the 2017 Hands-On Programs and Law Enforcement Trainings. Your support will truly make a difference in many lives, and we thank you for helping us fulfill C.O.P.S.’ mission. More information at

2. Cadet Thomas Surdyke Memorial Foundation.


Inspiring young leaders of character.


Tom, through his quiet leadership, provided inspiration, example and conscience to all who came into contact with him. We see Tom’s story inspiring students to become leaders of character who will transform our nation.

The Thomas Surdyke Memorial Foundation will develop student leaders by providing schools and organizations with inspiring leadership programs which will engage students in moral, ethical and strategic problem solving to start them on the path to becoming exceptional leaders of character.

More information at:

3. Supporting Heroes Charity.

Mission Statement

“Our mission is to honor the service and sacrifice of public safety heroes who give their lives in the line of duty - by caring for the loved ones they leave behind.”

The Goals

Create a vehicle by which citizens could show their appreciation for the daily service sacrifices of public safety servants.

Honor those in the police, fire, and EMS services who make the ultimate sacrifice.
Assure those left behind that their loved ones would never be forgotten and that they, the survivors, would always be cared for.
More information at:

4. The Mission Continues

The Mission Continues empowers veterans who are adjusting to life at home to find purpose through community impact. We deploy veterans on new missions in their communities so that their actions will inspire future generations to serve.

The 2019 Boat and PWC "Ride for Freedom" event is to honor the memory of 9/11/2001, and to celebrate and support our area's First Responders and Military! The Ride is Sunday, September 8th, 2019 and is FREE, but we suggest a $100 donation for those that can afford it. 100% of the donations go to related Police, Military and 1st Responder charities. The Concerns of Police Survivors (C.O.P.S.), the Cadet Thomas Surdyke Memorial Foundation, Supporting Heroes, and The Mission Continues charities.

Highway Store Location        Marina Store Location         Surdyke's Port 20
5863 Osage Beach Parkway      1660 Yamaha Drive               5395 Spruce Lane
Osage Beach, MO 65065           Osage Beach, MO 65065        Osage Beach, MO 65065


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