5 Tips for Safe ATV Riding

Riding your ATV at the Lake of the Ozarks is a lot of fun! However, when you're out riding you should always keep safety top of mind because ATVs can be dangerous if you don't use caution. That's why the Surdyke Yamaha Team put together a list of tips to keep you safe while riding your ATV. Consider our tips below.

1) Pre-Ride Inspection

Every time you go for a ride, make sure you give your ATV a once over. Check tires for wear and rims for damage. Look over your controls and make sure connections and cables are intact. Check the chain for worn links and sprockets for broken teeth and ensure there is enough lubrication.

2) Wear Appropriate Gear

Always wear your safety gear. Helmets, goggles, boots gloves are all a must whenever you hop on for a ride. There are no seatbelts on an ATV and flipping it over is a lot easier than you might imagine. Be prepared for the unexpected and wear the appropriate gear.

3) Take A Break

ATV riding is a great way to exercise, as it demands physical and mental strength. Over time, those bumps, jumps and tight corners can wear you out. If you feel fatigue setting in, stop riding and take a breather. Even if you aren't tired, if you've been riding all day, take a break, rehydrate and fuel up with some lunch.

4) Don't Ride Alone

It's never a good idea to do any sport or activity where accidents can (and do) happen alone. Always take a buddy (or two) out with you whenever you go for a ride. Running out of gas, getting lost or crashing is never fun, but it's even worse if you're along. Plus, it's more fun to ride with friends. Grab your best buds and make a day of it!

5) Be Aware Of Your Surroundings

Know your surroundings, and when riding with friends (which you should do) know where they are. Just like driving a car, you want to look ahead so you know what's coming. While the bumps may be fun, hitting one unexpectedly can send you off your ride.

Our team at Surdyke Yamaha is always here to answer any questions you may have about your ATV. If you've been thinking about buying a new ATV or upgrading your existing one, be sure to stop by and check out our selection of Yamaha ATVs at the Lake of the Ozarks! We have everything you need from the ATV to the proper riding gear and more!

Connect with Surdyke Yamaha on...

Highway Store Location        Marina Store Location         Surdyke's Port 20
5863 Osage Beach Parkway      1660 Yamaha Drive               5395 Spruce Lane
Osage Beach, MO 65065           Osage Beach, MO 65065        Osage Beach, MO 65065

(573) 348-6575                       (573) 348-9283                    (573) 348-3178  


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