Get Your Motorcycle Ready for Colder Temperatures

November is here and the temperatures are dropping. The days of riding your motorcycle are probably getting few and far between. In the next couple of weeks, it will be time to hang up your helmet and put the bike away until spring. There are some things you will need to do before you store your bike for winter. Your favorite motorcycle dealer at the Lake of the Ozarks has some tips to help get your bike stored properly, and keep it in good condition till you can take it on the road again.

Care For Your Battery

You don't want to leave your battery plugged in all winter long, as it will cause the battery to self-discharge. You can either pull the battery out and store it in a cool dry place, or you can get a battery tender at Surdyke Yamaha. The tender keeps the battery topped off without overcharging, and you can use the tender while the batter is still left in the bike all winter long.

Prepare Your Fuel System for Winter

Untreated gas, left in your fuel over long periods of time can get gunky. Protect your tank by adding fuel stabilizer to the gas. You can even ride down to the gas station and fill your bike up, add the stabilizer and then on the ride home it will mix and run through your fuel system. You can pick up a bottle of stabilizer here at Surdyke Yamaha, as well as any other bike accessories you may have forgotten about.

Clean Your Bike

It may seem redundant to clean a bike and then put it away where no one can see it, but it's important to get all of the surfaces clean. Give you bike a good wash down and dry everything off, you can also use a leaf blower to get all of the nooks and crannies dry. If bug guts and water spots sit on the surface of the paint, it can speed up the corrosion process. After all of the water is dry, wax down your bike to protect from and future moisture. Did you know that the "WD" in  WD-40 stands for water displacement? You can use WD-40 on all exposed surfaces of your bike to displace water and protect.

Protect Your Tires

If left unattended for the entire winter season, you tires can develop flat spots from sitting in one place for too long. There are a few ways you can protect your tires through this season, the first is to get some good motorcycle stands at Surdyke Yamaha. At the very least you need a rear wheel stand to keep the back wheel off the concrete, but we also recommend having a motorcycle center stand to keep both wheels up simultaneously. If you don't get any stands for your bike, it's best to go out at least once a month and roll it forward or backward a few inches. If you will be storing your bike on a concrete surface, remember that moisture from the concrete can also damage your wheels. The best way is with any of the stands we've mentioned above, or by putting pieces of carpet or plywood down under each wheel.

Check the Fluids, Change the Oil, and Replace Filters

It's better for your bike to hibernate with clean oil in it's system than dirty, broken down oil. Plus, if you change your oil now, your bike will be ready to ride in the Spring. You can also consider removing the spark plugs and putting a little squirt of oil in the holes, then turn the engine over a few times. This will help coat the cylinder walls. Once everything is coated you can replace the spark plugs.

Surdyke has everything you need care for your bike. Surdyke is a proud supplier of Yamaha parts and accessories. Come to our store and get your stands to stabilizers you can get your bike ready for the colder temperatures with our motorcycle parts at the Lake of the Ozarks. While you are in here, check out our selection of motorcycles at the Lake of the Ozarks, accessories, and get all your parts.

Connect with Surdyke Yamaha on...

Highway Store Location        Marina Store Location         Surdyke's Port 20
5863 Osage Beach Parkway      1660 Yamaha Drive               5395 Spruce Lane
Osage Beach, MO 65065           Osage Beach, MO 65065        Osage Beach, MO 65065

(573) 348-6575                       (573) 348-9283                    (573) 348-3178  


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