Tips for Riding Your Motorcycle in the Fall

Fall presents itself with a gorgeous time of year to hit the road and take a ride on your motorcycle. The Lake of the Ozarks has some of the best fall foliage in the country which makes for a spectacular ride. With cooler temperatures on the way, there is no better time to get out and ride than now! With that being said, as the seasons change there are some things to watch out for to keep you safe during your ride. Your favorite Missouri Yamaha Dealer has a few tips to consider for riding this fall.

Break Out Your Leather

Many bikers wear their leather during all seasons but fall is especially great for breaking out your leather! Temperatures in the autumn can be much more enjoyable than the heat waves of the summer season. However, it is important to be dressed appropriately. Autumn is the perfect time to break out your leather. Leather can protect you from the harsh wind and will keep you comfortably warm while riding. In addition to keeping you warm, leather is extremely resistant to abrasions and can protect riders from scrapes and cuts.

Keep in Mind Temperature Changes 

Fall in Missouri is very unpredictable. During the mornings and nights, the weather can be chilly, while in the afternoons it can be pretty warm. It is a good idea to bring extra layers with you on rides. Once the sun goes down, the temperature can significantly drop, and you don't want to be underdressed. It is also a good idea to bring rain gear, as frigid rain could cause hypothermia if you are not dressed appropriately. 

Be Aware of Leaves 

The leaves will begin to fall very soon in the Ozarks. Although the fall leaves are beautiful to look at, they can become hazardous to riders once they starting falling to the ground. Dry leaves can pile up on the road and cover potholes or other inconsistencies, so it is important to keep your eye on the road or keep on familiar routes. Wet leaves can cause pavements to become slick, which could cause your bike to slide on the road. Try to avoid slipping and sliding by driving slowly until you're past the obstacle.

Watch Out for Deer 

This may seem obvious but you can never be too cautious when deer start coming out. Deer become very active in the fall and collisions with them occur more during this season. Hunters can push deer into other areas where they normally wouldn't stay. Make sure you are wearing your protective gear before going out and always be scanning the side of the road especially if you are cruising any rural areas. Stay extra alert during dawn and dusk, as these are the times of days when there are lots of deer out and about.

Fall is a great time to ride your motorcycle at the Lake of the Ozarks because the weather cools down and there is not as much traffic as there is in the busy summer months. Just keep in mind as the seasons start to change, to be aware of the changes and adjust accordingly. If you need to stock up on your autumn gear or if you are wanting a new bike, visit Surdyke Yamaha in Osage Beach. We have a great selection of Yamaha and KTM bikes at the Lake of the Ozarks. Our expert staff can help you select the perfect bike for your lifestyle.

Connect with Surdyke Yamaha on...

Highway Store Location        Marina Store Location         Surdyke's Port 20
5863 Osage Beach Parkway      1660 Yamaha Drive               5395 Spruce Lane
Osage Beach, MO 65065           Osage Beach, MO 65065        Osage Beach, MO 65065

(573) 348-6575                       (573) 348-9283                    (573) 348-3178  


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