Thunderstorms And Boating Don't Mix

The weather is beginning to warm up and soon boats will be getting back out on the water. With spring fully underway, Surdyke Yamaha knows that it’s important to keep an eye on the weather before you head out on the Lake. If you’re not prepared for a thunderstorm while boating, now is the time to prepare. We don’t know when it will happen, where it will happen, or how long it will last. Thunderstorms can be extremely unpredictable, so it’s best to be prepared. The Lake of the Ozark’s best watercraft dealer wants you to stay safe if you run into a thunderstorm while out boating, so we have put together a list of tips to keep in mind in case you get stuck in an unfortunate weather scenario. 

Always Check The Forecast First

This is crucial to boating safely because the weather is unpredictable and can change quickly. This could leave boaters in a bad situation, especially if they aren’t properly prepared. It’s a good idea to download a weather app on your phone and set up alerts for your area. This way you will be notified when a potential thunderstorm is headed your way. 

Top free weather apps:
1. Weather Underground
2. RainAware 
3. The Weather Channel
4. NOAA Weather Radar

It’s Best To Play It Safe

Thunderstorms are one of the more common dangers to boaters because they can develop so quickly. If you are out on the water and you notice storms that are approaching, you should return to land or shelter as soon as possible. If you are unable to return to land, you should stay inside the cabin and avoid any metal or electrical devices. If your boat does not have a cabin, try to stay as low as possible.

Make Your Plans Known

Make sure someone knows that you are out boating and where you are headed to. This way, in case a storm does roll in and you are unable to return, someone will know where you are. You can also download an app that provides you with your GPS coordinates which you can then send them. 

Here are a few:
1. My GPS Coordinates
2. GPS Tracks
3. GPS & Maps: Track Coordinates, Compass + Waypoints 

Always Be Prepared

Knowing how to dock a boat or perform a close-quarters maneuver near the shore can be extremely difficult, especially if the wind is blowing. If necessary, take a boating safety course. You should also have a firm grasp on how to read the weather.

Make Sure You Have The Proper Equipment

Life Jackets
The U.S. Coast Guard requires that all recreational vehicles must carry one Coast Guard approved life jacket per person on board. Regardless of the weather, it’s always important to wear a life jacket.

Proper Communication Equipment
A VH-FM radio is an important thing to have on your boat. Yes, a cell phone is good too, but those are unreliable and you might not have service in some areas.

Backup Power Source
This is always a great idea to keep on board. You never know when you may need it. Thunderstorm or not, having a backup power source is always important.

Extra Food and Water
You should always keep extra water and nonperishable food on board in case of emergencies, or just in case you get hungry.

Key Indicators of Changing Weather 

   A sudden drop in temperature
   Increasing wind or sudden change in wind direction
   Flat clouds getting lower and thicker
   Heavy static on your AM radio - this can be a sign of nearby thunderstorms

If You Get Caught in a Storm

   Reduce your speed, but keep enough power to make headway
   Head the boat at a 45-degree angle into the waves
   Make sure everyone on board is wearing a life jacket
   Turn on your running lights
   Keep the bilges free of water
   If absolutely necessary, anchor the boat 

Stay Safe This Boating Season 

Operating a boat in a thunderstorm is completely different than operating a boat in sunny and 80-degree weather. Hopefully, with these tips and a boating safety course, you will be prepared in case you ever run into a thunderstorm when you are out boating. At Lake of the Ozark’s best watercraft dealer, we want to make sure you always have a great time when you’re out on the lake. Visit us at Surdyke Yamaha and let us help you get out on the water! 

Connect with Surdyke Yamaha on...

Highway Store Location        Marina Store Location         Surdyke's Port 20
5863 Osage Beach Parkway      1660 Yamaha Drive               5395 Spruce Lane
Osage Beach, MO 65065           Osage Beach, MO 65065        Osage Beach, MO 65065

(573) 348-6575                       (573) 348-9283                    (573) 348-3178  


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