It's Time For Lake Race!

This time next week, the Lake area will be filled with powerboats ready to hit the water. Lake Race is one of the area's most exciting, loud and fastest events, and one that we look forward to every year. This event is a fan favorite for both locals and visitors alike, and for good reason! It's packed full of exciting events and is a great chance to enjoy a day out on the Lake watching fast boats with friends and family. Surdyke Yamaha is proud to be a sponsor for this year's event, and we want to make sure that our favorite customers don't miss out on a single ounce of fun. Here is the schedule of events for the weekend!

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Lake Race 2017

Paddle Battle 2017

Family fun before the races! 3-person teams will race for prizes for first place, last place and best costume.

When: Wednesday, May 31
Where: Franky & Louies
Time: 5:00 - 8:00 PM

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Osage Beach Festival of Speed

A street festival featuring speed boats, classic cars, motorcycles, vendors, beer and food tents. For the kids, there will also be piggy races, pony rides and a dunk tank.

When: Thursday, June 1
Where: Osage Beach Parkway West of the Grand Glaize Bridge
Time: 4:00 - 10:00 PM

Lake Race Meet & Greet Street Party

Race fans will experience everything unique about Lake Race and see all of the incredible powerboats up close. Shuttle service will begin at 4:00 PM and be available throughout the weekend. The lower Bagnell Dam Strip area will be closed to traffic starting at 9:00 AM on Friday morning.

When: Friday, June 2
Where: Historic Bagnell Dam Strip
Time: 4:00 - 11:00 PM

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Race Day 

Saturday, June 3

Lake Race 5K

Starting at Beaver's at the Dam, participants will proceed below the Dam on Valley Rd, to JJ Twigs, and down Business 54 (The Strip) back to Beaver’s. Cash Bar available at the Finish Line and a Raffle!!

Time: Registration at 7:00 AM & Race begins at 8:00 AM
Where: Beaver's at the Dam

Opening Ceremony 

Kick off Race Day at Beaver's on the Dam.

Time: 10:40 AM

OPA Sanctioned Powerboat Racing

Enjoy a full day of racing with formats and demonstrations unique to Lake Race. Racing will begin promptly at 11:00 AM and continue until all heats are completed around 5:00 PM. Powerboats will race from the 0 MM to the 3 MM.

Time: 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Where: Viewing will be available at host facility, Beaver's at the Dam, on the Historic Bagnell Dam and at numerous other locations surrounding the course.

Awards Ceremony

When the races are over, stay to cheer on the drivers at the Awards Ceremony.

Time: After the races
Where: Beaver's on the Dam

Photo Credit:
After Party

Entertainment will be available at various spots along the Strip. Fireworks at dusk provided by Brilliant Skies.

Time: 6:00 - 11:00 PM
Where: Various locations along the Strip.

Props & Horses Poker Run

Poker Run starts at Beaver's on the Da. $20 raffle tickets available at each location for a 50/50 drawing at Redhead Yacht Club at 4:00 PM.

When: Sunday, June 3
Time: 10:00 AM
Where: Multiple waterfront locations

We love any event that gets people out on their Lake of the Ozarks boats, ATVs or street bikes. Surdyke Yamaha has been providing the best boats at the Lake of the Ozarks for over 40 years, and we're proud to continue doing so for years to come. We love to get involved in local events, and the Lake Race is certainly one to get out and enjoy. If you want a good excuse to get your family out on the water, this event is certainly the way to do it! If you still don't own a boat, and you're ready to take the plunge, come visit our showroom while you're out and about. We'd love to show you the boat of your dreams.

Connect with Surdyke Yamaha on...

Highway Store Location        Marina Store Location         Surdyke's Port 20
5863 Osage Beach Parkway       1660 Yamaha Drive                 5395 Spruce Lane
Osage Beach, MO 65065            Osage Beach, MO 65065         Osage Beach, MO 65065
(573) 348-6575                         (573) 348-9283                      (573) 348-3178


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