Wear It Missouri!

Have you heard? National Safe Boating Week is next week, May 16th-22nd. The crew at our Lake of the Ozarks marine dealership is teaming up with local organizations to raise awareness for this important cause. We're kicking off the activities a little early this week, and we want YOU to join us!

Water Safety Day 2015

It has been estimated that fully 80% of all water-related deaths in 2014 could have been prevented simply by wearing a properly fitting life jacket. Residents are the Lake of the Ozarks are determined to prevent more accidents like this in the future and are teaming up with the national Wear it! campaign to encourage boaters to wear life jackets.

This year, we are kicking off National Safe Boating Week a little early, and we hope that you all will join us! We're having a kick-off event on Wednesday, May 13th in Jefferson City as part of the Wear It Missouri! campaign. 

WHAT: Group Photo Of Everyone In The General Assembly Wearing Life jackets
WHEN: Wednesday, May 13th, 2015
WHERE: 3rd Floor Rotunda in Jefferson City, Missouri
TIME: 8:30 AM

Surdyke Yamaha & Marina is proud to donate some of the life jackets that will be worn by our state legislators and representatives and other participants at this first-time event. The Associated Press and all major newspapers in Missouri well be present, and the photos and stories from the day will be used for the national Safe Boating Week campaign May 16th-22nd.

Wear It!

Wear It! is a national campaign reminding boaters and swimmers to always wear their life jackets. They are an interactive group with opportunities for participants to share their boating stories, take advantage of educational materials, and take the pledge to always wear their life jackets. To learn more about the Wear It! campaign, visit their website: SafeBoatingCampaign.com 

Stay Safe On The Water!

Wearing your life jacket is critical, but it's only one part of the many things boaters and swimmers must do to promote a safe, fun environment for everyone on the water. See our previous blog for more boating safety tips!

Connect with Surdyke Yamaha on...

Highway Store Location        Marina Store Location         Surdyke's Port 20
5863 Osage Beach Parkway       1660 Yamaha Drive                 5395 Spruce Lane
Osage Beach, MO 65065            Osage Beach, MO 65065         Osage Beach, MO 65065
(573) 348-6575                         (573) 348-9283                      (573) 348-3178


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