Boating Safety 101

The Lake of the Ozarks is a major vacation destination in the Midwest; people come from all over the surrounding states to enjoy some fun in the sun with the people they love. Boating on the Lake of the Ozarks gives both locals and vacationers alike a chance to relax and recharge - but unfortunately, boating also comes with its share of risks. This summer season, the team at Surdyke Yamaha & Marina is here to help you keep your family and friends safe with these simple (but important) boating safety tips.

1. Be Aware Of Those Around You
The Lake gets pretty busy during the summer. You should absolutely get in your own boat and join the fun, but it's important to always stay alert and be aware of all the other boats and PWCs around your own vessel. Be prepared to speed up, slow down, or move out of the way at a moment's notice.

2. Always Wear A Life Jacket
A staggering percentage of drowning accidents occurred because the victims were not wearing a life jacket. It is important to have plenty of life jackets on board and ensure that everyone wears one at all times. We recommend that infants are not brought on board until they are big enough to wear a small life jacket.

3. Don't Drink And Drive
These famous words of caution are used all the time, but they apply to boating as well as driving. Consuming alcohol impairs motor skills and slows reaction time, which greatly increases the chance of an accident. Keep yourself, your passengers, and other boaters safe by always having a designated captain for your boat.

4. Appoint A First Mate
There's a reason the big sea vessels have a captain AND a first mate. The captain must stay at the helm; he/she needs a trustworthy assistant to help them out with anything they need. Before you leave your dock, assign a (sober) passenger to assist the captain along the trip.

5. Pay Attention To The Weather
Missouri is infamous for its seemingly bipolar weather tendencies - just because it's sunny when you leave your dock does not mean that thunderstorms aren't coming. Before you head out on the water, be sure to check the forecast for the day and make sure the good weather is supposed to hold. If not, you may need to reschedule your trip for another day.

6. Learn To Swim
This one may seem obvious, but you might be surprised how many people who do not know how to swim go for boat rides every year. The odds of capsizing or being in a boating accident are low, but it can still happen. Before you head out for a fun day of boating, make sure you and your passengers are confident in your swimming capabilities.

7. Stay Alert And Use Common Sense
A safe boating season at the Lake of the Ozarks requires all captains to stay alert and use their common sense at all times. Be aware of the other boats around you, pay attention to the no-wake zones, and keep your vessel at a reasonable speed. As Yogi Bear would say, "Only YOU can prevent boating accidents!"

Have A Safe Season, Everyone!
On behalf of everyone at our Lake of the Ozarks marine dealer, we would like to wish you all a happy and safe summer season! If you're thinking about buying a boat in Osage Beach, MO, we invite you to stop by and check out some of the awesome inventory we have currently in stock. You'll find everything you need for a season of fun in the sun right here at Surdyke Yamaha!

Connect with Surdyke Yamaha on...

Highway Store Location        Marina Store Location         Surdyke's Port 20
5863 Osage Beach Parkway       1660 Yamaha Drive                 5395 Spruce Lane
Osage Beach, MO 65065            Osage Beach, MO 65065         Osage Beach, MO 65065
(573) 348-6575                         (573) 348-9283                      (573) 348-3178


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