No one wants to admit they are new at anything. However, we all have to start somewhere. That’s the only way to become good at anything. Furthermore, that’s the only way to become CONFIDENT at anything. Although, there is no way to get around experience of riding to become skilled, there are a few tips that can help in the process of becoming experienced.

Reach out to your local street bike dealer near Osage Beach, MO for more information regarding your bike. It’s crucial to become aware of how to take care of your specific model.

Surdyke Yamaha compiled a list of tips for beginners or intermediate riders to help you become more knowledgeable.

1. Always stick to the basics

Most riders want to think they can do more than they are capable of. Many think they’re great riders when they’re still brand new.

The best way to become great is to keep doing the basics over and over again until it’s muscle memory. There’s no way to become advanced without the basics as a foundation. Plus, this serves as a way to help you stray away from picking up bad riding habits.

2. If you can, do an advanced riding course
After you past the test, you’re not good. Always strive to learn more after passing the initial exam. A great resource is the BikeSafe course. It’s great to have your riding critiqued by a police motorcyclist. This will help you become a safer rider.

3. Try off-roading courses
Not everyone wants to go off-road or race. However, it’s still highly recommended to do a day of an off-road course. This helps gain confidence on the road. A tire sliding out will become nothing.

4. Practice at slow speeds
In order to do anything fast, you must learn how to do it slow, first. Go to an empty car lot early in the morning and practice balancing your clutch, brake, and throttle. This will help with muscle memory.

5. You are invisible
If you plan to ride on the road with cars, it’s important to always assume drivers cannot see you. The reason for this is because almost always, drivers aren’t looking for you. They’re normally looking for other cars. This mentality will help you to automatically think pre-emptively.

6. It’s not always necessary to ride fast
We know it’s super fun and exhilarating to ride fast. Heck, that’s probably the reason why most start riding to begin with. However, keep in mind that danger increases significantly, as well as fuel costs. Most of the time, fast riders always regret riding at such a great speed. It’s not worth the potential outcome.

7. Wear earplugs
When learning to ride, no one ever tells you about wearing ear plugs. If you had someone tell you about ear plugs, thank them relentlessly. Remember that you cannot reverse the damage done to your hearing. It doesn’t take long for damage to be done to your ears when you start riding.

Although there are many other tips and tricks that can help with riding, these are super crucial ones that will help with safety. At Surdyke Yamaha, we want you to always be safe and prepared!


         Highway Store Location       
        5863 Osage Beach Parkway         
            Osage Beach, MO 65065              

Marina Store Location 
1660 Yamaha Drive
Osage Beach, MO 65065 
Surdyke's Port 20
5395 Spruce Lane
Osage Beach, MO 65065


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