Lake Race 2019 is Almost Here!

 Lake Race is one of the area's most exciting, loud and fastest events, and one that we look forward to every year. This event is a fan favorite for both locals and visitors alike, and for good reason! It's packed full of exciting events and is a great chance to enjoy a day out on the Lake watching fast boats with friends and family. Our boat dealership at the Lake of the Ozarks doesn't want you to miss out on any of the fun - read on to get a full list of events for Lake Race 2019

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Thursday, May 30 Main Events 

6:00 pm - Official Lake Race Pre-Party @ Shady Gators with live coverage by 107.9 Coyote 

6:00 pm - Meet and Greet with local Boat Racers and outboard cats on display 

9:00 pm - DJ Kazien @ Lazy Gator 

6:00pm - Volunteer Patrol Boat Meeting with Chief @ Lake Ozark Firehouse #1 

Friday, May 31 Main Events 

2:00 - 6:00 - Pool Party with DJ Kazien @ Lazy Gators 

Performance Boat Center display in front of Toad Restaurant 

4:30 - 6:30 - VIP Thank You Reception for Racers and Event Sponsors @ Camden Lakeside Room 

6:00 pm - FESTIVAL OF SPEED BY LAND & SEA at both Camden on the Lake Resort and Shady Gators. Open to the public to come by boat or car. No charge. First come first serve in boat slips 

8:00 pm - Kricket Alley @ Camden's outdoor stage (no cover) 

9:00 pm - Rod Tiff Curls & The Bench Press @ Shady Gators (no cover) 

9:00 pm - Foam Party upstairs at Shady Gators

Saturday, June 1: RACE DAY 

8:00 am - Mandatory Racer's Meeting on lower level banquet room Camden on the Lake

10:30 am - 11:00 Opening Ceremonies 

11:15 am - Start of Lake Race 

5:00 pm - End of Racing 

6:00 pm - Award Ceremony at Camden's outdoor stage

 Noon - 6:00 pm - Pool Party with DJ Kaziem @ Lazy Gator 

8:00 pm - Midnight - Kricket Alley @ Camden's outdoor stage (no cover) 

9:00 pm - Rod Tiff Curls & The Bench Press @ Shady Gators (no cover) 

9:00 pm - Bikini Contest @ Shady Gators 

7:30 pm - opening act @ Lazy Gator with headliner Billy Ray Cyrus at 9:30 pm. (tickets available thru Eventbrite) 

We love any event that gets people out on their Lake of the Ozarks boats, ATVs or street bikes. Surdyke Yamaha has been providing the best boats at the Lake of the Ozarks for over 40 years, and we're proud to continue doing so for years to come. We love to get involved in local events, and the Lake Race is certainly one to get out and enjoy. If you want a good excuse to get your family out on the water, this event is certainly the way to do it! If you still don't own a boat, and you're ready to take the plunge, come visit our showroom while you're out and about. We'd love to show you the boat of your dreams.

Highway Store Location        Marina Store Location         Surdyke's Port 20
5863 Osage Beach Parkway      1660 Yamaha Drive               5395 Spruce Lane
Osage Beach, MO 65065           Osage Beach, MO 65065        Osage Beach, MO 65065


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