10 Essentials for a Day of Boating

Now that you’ve bought or rented your awesome new Surdyke Yamaha boat, it’s time to take the family out for a cruise! Boating at the Lake of the Ozarks is a ton of fun, but you need to make sure you’re prepared to spend the whole day out on the Lake. Good thing your local boat dealer at the Lake of the Ozarks has lots of experience planning fantastic boat days! We’ve put together a list of a few fun things to bring with you as well as some safety requirements for your big day out on the beautiful Lake!


  1. Your Favorite Swimsuit – When you’re out on the Lake, you might decide to cove out. Before you drop your anchor and jump in, make sure you’ve remembered to bring your swimsuit! It may seem like a no-brainer, but you don’t want to be the guy who has to swim in his gym shorts!
  2. Sunscreen! – Sun protection is important for everyone, not just those of us who burn easily. Check the SPF (sun protection factor) on your bottle of sunscreen to be sure you have at least SPF 30, which blocks nearly 97% of UBV radiation. Toss a bottle in your boat bag, just don’t forget to reapply!
  3. A Towel for Everyone – Beach towels can be an easy thing to forget. Even if you don’t plan on swimming, those boat seats can get hot while basking in the sun. Protect your skin from the toasty seats by setting down your towel before sitting down or laying out. Whether you need to try off or want to lay out, make sure you have a towel or two nearby! 
  4. A Cooler – Even if you decide to only spend a couple of hours out on your boat, the sun can be incredibly draining. Make sure you have plenty of water bottles and drinks with you, and bring a cooler to keep them cold in the heat. A few good, healthy snacks are also a good idea. Granola bars, nuts, and fresh fruit are all great snacks to bring aboard, especially if you’re bringing along younger kids.
  5. A Few Trash Bags – Trash bags or grocery bags are great thing to have aboard for several reasons! You’ll need to make sure none of your snack or drink trash makes it overboard, and clean, empty trash bags make great storage for wet swimsuits and towels while you transport them home.


  1. Your Boater Education Card and valid photo I.D. – Similar to a driver’s license, you need to have this card on you when you are operating your boat. Drivers born before January 1, 1984 don’t need a Boating Card, but all operators born after this date do need this card. Anyone can take the test to receive this card, but you must be at least 14 years old to operate a motorboat or personal watercraft.
  2. Life Jackets/PFDs – Missouri Law requires you to have at least one lifejacket or Personal Floatation Device per passenger. If you have any children under the age of 7, they must be wearing their life jackets at all times while on board. Don’t have enough lifejackets? Swing by the best boat dealer at the Lake of the Ozarks and pick up a few more!
  3. Your Cell Phone – It’s always a good idea to bring your cell phone with you when you’re headed out for a day on the Lake. Not only can you snap some great photos of your crew having a blast, but you’ll also have a way to contact someone on shore if an emergency occurs. Always let someone (a family member, a neighbor, etc.) know when you’re going out in your boat, just in case. 
  4. Motion Sickness Medication – Some people have a tendency to get seasick, and when this happens, it’s nice to have some motion sickness medication handy. Younger kids can sometimes be more susceptible to seasickness. The only downside to this preventative medication is that some kinds can cause drowsiness. Keep an eye on the person who has taken this medication just to be safe.
  5. “Skier Down” Flag – Tubing and water-skiing are fun activities to do out on the Lake. Most motorboats and personal watercraft have the ability to tow, and if so, you need to have a “skier down” flag. This red or orange flag alerts other boaters to when your tubers or skiers have fallen into the water. This safety measure is incredibly important, and can often be overlooked. Water sports are much more fun when everyone is safe!

Next time you go out boating on the Lake of the Ozarks for the day, don’t forget to pack these essentials! If you’re missing any of the above items, stop on by Surdyke Yamaha & Marina and we’ll help point you in the right direction. Your favorite boat dealer at the Lake of the Ozarks is here to help make sure you have a blast out in the sun this summer on your new boat!

Connect with Surdyke Yamaha on...

Highway Store Location        Marina Store Location         Surdyke's Port 20
5863 Osage Beach Parkway      1660 Yamaha Drive               5395 Spruce Lane
Osage Beach, MO 65065           Osage Beach, MO 65065        Osage Beach, MO 65065

(573) 348-6575                       (573) 348-9283                    (573) 348-3178  


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