The Best Boat Snacks for the 4th of July

Are you ready for the biggest holiday on the Lake? The 4th of July is just around the corner, and it’s time to prepare your boats and bellies! Though Independence Day is known for burgers and barbeques, it’s hard to bring your grill out on the lake with you. The best boat dealer at the Lake of the Ozarks has some hot tips when it comes to food on the water. Surdyke Yamaha is FAMILY run for FAMILY run, so we always keep the whole crew in mind. Read on for some easy, delicious, festive snacks for your 4th of July outing on the beautiful Lake of the Ozarks. FOR THE COOLER Festive Fruit Salad Ingredients: - Strawberries - Blueberries - Bananas Directions: Slice bananas and strawberries and combine in bowl with blueberries. The Festive Fruit Salad keeps best in either an airtight plastic container. Keep in the cooler to maintain temperature. Sprinkle Ice Cream Sandwiches Ingredients: - Red and blue sprinkles - Ice cream sandwiches Directions: Unwrap ice c...