Bogeys & Beer Golf Tournament!

Pop Quiz! What makes a great day day on the golf course even better?

Knowing that you're raising money for a wonderful (and local) cause!

Surdyke Yamaha is proud to be a sponsor of the 15th Annual Bogeys & Beer Golf Tournament on Monday October 13th, and we'd like to invite you to come out and participate. Win cash prizes and 18 hole proxies, soak up some beautiful October sunshine, and help us raise money for Lamb House, Kid's Harbor, and the Citizens Against Domestic Violence.

Sponsorships are available at a variety of different levels, so you can participate in whatever way best suits your budget. Here's a quick overview of the different levels:

Eagle - $1,000
- 4 players in tournament
- Mention in all radio ads
- Hole sponsor sign
- Listing in the 2014 brochure
- Recognition/banner at silent auction and awards
- Box lunch/dinner
- And more!

Birdie - $415
- 4 players in tournament
- Hole sponsor sign
- Listing in the 2014 brochure
- Box lunch/dinner

Par - $100
- Hole sponsor sign
- Dinner

Team - $340 
- 4 players in tournament
- Box lunch/dinner

However you decide to participate, it's going to be a great event, and your number one marine dealer at the Lake of the Ozarks can't wait to see you all there! For more information on this upcoming event, give Surdyke Yamaha & Marina a call at (573) 348-6575.

Our on-the-water showroom offers a wide variety of Marine Accessories as well as a full service department, sales department, and storage. We also offer a complete lineup of Demonstrators for Watercraft and for Sport Boats, and the pontoons. See you on the water!!!!!!!

Stop on in and get YOUR new toy!
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