Passport to the Parkway

Have you heard about the Passport to the Parkway program yet? It's the largest shopping event on the Parkway West, and Surdyke Yamaha in Osage Beach is excited to participate! Designed to help circulate money through the local economy, this brand new event promises lots of great deals and incentives to all who participate!

What Do I Need To Do?

It's simple! Stop by Blinds & More, J. Bruners Restaurant, Sherwin Williams Paint, City Grill, Country Crossroads, KK Jewelers, or Interior Motifs to get started. They'll give you a shopping bag full of coupons and your passport, and you'll be good to go!

Take your passport to each participating restaurant or retailer to get it stamped! Each stamp qualifies you for an entry into the grand prize drawing at the end.

What Can I Win?

In addition to all the coupons you'll receive along the way, each stamp earns you another entry into the grand prize drawings. You'll get a chance to win...
  • A Smart TV
  • An iPad
  • $500 Visa Gift Card
  • And More!

Wow! When/Where Does This Take Place?

This event stretches out over ten days, so you'll have plenty of time to visit all the participating locations! Passport to the Parkway will last from October 1st-11th, 2014. Surdyke Yamaha is (of course) proud to be one of the participating retailers! Check out for a complete list of all other participants.
Don't miss out on this awesome opportunity! While you're out taking advantage of all of these great deals, don't forget to come by and visit the #1 marine dealer at the Lake of the Ozarks.

Our on-the-water showroom offers a wide variety of Marine Accessories as well as a full service department, sales department, and storage. We also offer a complete lineup of Demonstrators for Watercraft and for Sport Boats, and the pontoons. See you on the water!!!!!!!

Stop on in and get YOUR new toy!
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