Fun On The Lake & The Land For 4th Of July

At Surdyke Yamaha, we love to go on adventures no matter if they're on the Lake or on the land. If you're wanting to turn this weekend into a long holiday weekend, let Lake of the Ozarks' best power sports dealership help! Here are a few ideas on how you can enjoy the Fourth of July both on the water and on the land. Fun On The Lake Watch Fireworks One of the best parts about Fourth of July at the Lake of the Ozarks is being about to watch fireworks from your boat. There are many fireworks displays happening all weekend long leading up to the Fourth. If you're going to be out and about on the Lake, make sure you research where you can enjoy some firework watching from the Lake by visiting: Go Cruising There is no better excuse to hop on your boat and cruise the Lake than a holiday weekend. With Fourth of July being on a Tuesday, it gives you, even more, days to enjoy the Lake on your vessel. Make ...