BRILLIANT Last-Minute Valentine's Day Gift Idea!!

Valentine's Day is almost here. You've known it was coming, but somehow you didn't quite get around to shopping for a gift... and now you're out of time. Luckily for you, Surdyke Yamaha & Marina has a GREAT last-minute Valentine's Day gift idea that your sweetheart is guaranteed to love. It only takes a few minutes to put together, but it will keep the romance alive for months to come.

The Valentine's Gift That Keeps On Giving

Buy your sweetheart a dozen roses. On the stem of each rose, attach a small note describing the gift and/or date activity that comes with that rose. If you're looking for gift ideas, the best marine dealer at the Lake has a few up our sleeve!

1. A Picnic on the Lake - Just The Two Of You
Private picnics make for some of the romantic dates of all time. Why not personalize it with some Lake of the Ozarks flair by having your date on a boat in the middle of the Lake? If you don't have your own boat, our boat rental services at the Lake of the Ozarks have got you covered.

2. Jet Ski Races
It can be just like that scene from the movie Hitch - except better, because it will be you and your sweetheart instead of the actors! Pick a slow day on the Lake and head out to see who is this year's PWC champion. In case you don't have your own, Surdyke Yamaha also offers jet ski rentals at the Lake of the Ozarks.

3. Her Very Own Yamaha Divas Jacket
Next time she gets cold, you won't have to give up your jacket - not when your girl has her own warm, cozy, incredibly cool Yamaha Divas Jacket! Jackets are available in charcoal grey and burnt orange.

4. A Fun-Filled Date at YamaPalooza
Yamapalooza is its own jam-packed event that takes place in conjunction with Aquapalooza at Dog Days Bar & Grill. Bring your date and join the team at Surdyke Yamaha for demo rides, boat parades, and more!

5. A Quiet Fishing Weekend
Sometimes you just need to get away from it all and take some time to reconnect with your sweetie. Fishing is one of the best excuses to camp out in a cove and enjoy some peace and quiet together. If you need a fishing boat at the Lake of the Ozarks, we can hook you up!

6. Off-Roading
Don't let your date be defined by preexisting roadways. Take your wife, husband, girlfriend, or boyfriend on the best date of their lives by exploring the unbeaten path! Surdyke Yamaha offers top-of-the-line ATVs that can take you places you've never even imagined.

7. A Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger hunts are a blast for everyone. Use your imagination and customize this gift to perfectly fit your sweetheart. Send them on a hunt to all your favorite places before finally leading them to your gift. If you're looking for gift ideas, stop by our showroom and check out our new and pre-owned inventory.

8. The Ride Of Your Lives
If you're looking for a truly thrilling date experience, take your sweetheart on a ride on one of Surdyke's superior motorcycles. With the wind rushing past you and her arms tightly wrapped around your waist, you're both in for the ride of your lives.

9. Tubing
Everyone has to go tubing on the Lake of the Ozarks at least once! Take turns pulling each other around on the inner tube, or get someone else to drive you and see which one of you can stay on the tube the longest! If you don't have an inner tube yet, check out Yamaha's Molecule Tube.

10. Unique Retro Sunglasses
If you're going to be spending all this time on the water this summer, you're going to need sunglasses to protect your eyes. Our Yamaha Retro Rubberized Sunglasses offer the UV protection you need and are perfect for both men and women. 

11. The Gift Of Her (Or His!) Choice
Don't know what to get them? That's easy - take them to the showroom at Surdyke Yamaha and let your sweetie pick out the gift of their choice. We offer an extensive selection of new and pre-owned boats, PWCs, dirt bikes, and street bikes.

12. The Gift They've Been Dreaming Of (But Never Dared To Ask For)
Feeling incredibly generous this Valentine's Day? Give your sweetheart a brand new boat at the Lake of the Ozarks. With plenty of different sport boats and pontoon boats to choose from, Surdyke Yamaha is sure to have exactly what you're looking for.

Happy Valentine's Day from Surdyke Yamaha!

No matter how you and your sweetie decide to celebrate this weekend, your friends at Surdyke Yamaha hope you have a truly wonderful Valentine's Day!

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