Off-Road Dirt Fest on Sunday!!

It's time to get a little crazy!! Surdyke Yamaha is hosting one of the most exciting (and FREE) off-road events the Lake of the Ozarks has ever seen. If you've ever wanted to ride totally rad motorcycles, ATVs, or Side by Side's through the dirt, up and down hills, and around spine-chilling turns, this event is perfect for you!

What Do I Need to Know?

Sunday, November 9th, 2014
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
River Bottom MX Park off of D Road in Osage Beach, Mo

Feel free to bring your own bike, OR ride one of ours! Off road training and demos are available, so you'll be able to learn as you go.

What's In It For ME?

There will be a lot going on at this fast-paced event, so there's sure to be something for everyone! Bring your whole motorcycle-loving family out and enjoy...
  • Bonfire
  • Hayrides
  • Riding Tips
  • On-Site Poker Run
  • Demos
  • Greg's FAMOUS Chili Dogs
  • And More!

The best part? This event is completely FREE! Everyone is welcome (and invited!) to attend, but you must pre-register before November 9th

It's going to be a spectacular day! Pre-register on our website today. We'll see you soon!

Our on-the-water showroom offers a wide variety of Marine Accessories as well as a full service department, sales department, and storage. We also offer a complete lineup of Demonstrators for Watercraft and for Sport Boats, and the pontoons. See you on the water!!!!!!!

Stop on in and get YOUR new toy!
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