Go OFF-ROAD On The 2020 Hammerhead Off-Road GTS 150™!

Looking for that next big adventure? If so, this is the blog for you! You can have QUITE the adventure on a new go-kart that has capability to go OFF-ROAD pretty much anywhere. Whether you're on vacation somewhere spacious or living on a huge farm and like to be outdoors as much as possible, this NEW go-kart may be exactly what you've been searching for. Keep reading this week's blog to learn all about the 2020 Hammerhead Off-Road GTS 150™ . If you have any questions, please call Surdyke Yamaha today at (573) 348-6575. This go-kart dealership at the Lake of the Ozarks has been Family Run for Family Fun Since 1971! 2020 Hammerhead Off-Road GTS 150™ Description The Hammerhead GTS 150 is consistently the nation’s best-selling 150cc go kart as it has more standard features than any of our competitors. The GTS 150’s most impressive features include individual adjustable bucket seat, 5-point seatbelts, unique body-styling with wrap-around side panels, an adjustable steering wh...