Surdyke's Spotlight - 1999 Yamaha LS2000

It's almost boating season at the Lake of the Ozarks, and we couldn't be more excited to get back out on the water. If you are itching for that boat that can get you to all the good spots on the Lake, the best boat dealer at the Lake of the Ozarks can help! We have a wide range of different new and used boats at the Lake of the Ozarks so we can help you find the best one to suit your lifestyle. If you're looking to have many fun weekends out on the water, but not looking to spend a ton doing it, then we may have the solution. The Perfect Family Boat Few boats offer as much bang for the buck as deck boats. They are just so practical and offer so many different options for how to spend your day. We recently got a great version from Tahoe, the 195 I/O. It has the amenities that make it an attractive choice for those in the deckboat market. Starting at the bow, the boat's versatility is immediately evident. Not only is this a practical family ski and tubing fun boa...